Emergencies don’t just happen when you’re at home. When you’re driving you are at risk for a flat tire, a car breakdown, an accident, or any number of disasters that could leave you stranded. If you happen to be on the road when a crisis occurs, it’s a huge benefit to have emergency supplies on hand.
Keep an emergency kit in your car at all times. The recommended basic items for this kit include the following:
- A properly inflated spare tire (preferably a real tire rather than a “doughnut”)
- A wheel wrench
- Jumper cables
- Tool kit
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- Reflective triangle
- Signal flares
- Duct tape
- First Aid kit
- Blanket
During winter in cold climates, you should add the following:
- Ice scraper and snow brush
- Tire chains
- Bag of sand, rock salt, or kitty litter (for traction on ice or snow)
- Warm blanket or sleeping bag for each family member
- Small shovel
- Small tent
If you or your family members have special needs, you should consider including appropriate items such as:
- Diapers
- Incontinence supplies
- Baby formula
- Asthma inhaler
- Medications
- etc.